Wildlife Veterinary Services
Chemical immobilization
Darting of specific individual animals, from a helicopter or from the ground. CVET assists game reserves in the management and translocation of their wildlife.
Emergency response
Medical or surgical assistance on short notice. CVET is a mobile clinic geared for bush emergencies, able to give the very best veterinary advice and perform surgeries in some of the most remote areas.
Buffalo disease control
Translocation of African Buffalo requires intensive testing for various diseases. CVET has extensive experience in this precise process.
Herd Immunization
Some areas of South Africa are prone to various epidemics. CVET applies her darting efficiency to administer annual vaccine from the helicopter.
Rhino Management
Rhinos are highly endangered due to the poaching pressure. CVET does hands-on monitoring of individuals with microchipping, identity kit and dehorning.
Aerial survey
A game count is a vital part of wildlife management. CVET has been involved in helicopter and fixed-wing census work in South Africa, Mozambique and Benin.
Wildlife collaring
As a vital management tool for wildlife monitoring, CVET has experience in collaring many species from Elephants to Dorcas Gazelles.
Work in Africa
Assistance to conservation is a needed effort all over Africa. CVET is very travel wise and able to be away for long period at a time. CVET is French and English speaking.

What you do makes a difference. You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
- Jane Goodall
Take Action
CVET is a proud partner of ACTIF foundation. ACTIF Foundation is an organization founded by four women passionate about, and dedicated to, animal conservation and the swift protection of critically endangered animals.
We recognize that there are many situations in which funds are needed quickly to be able to respond effectively to animal preservation opportunities. ACTIF works closely with local communities, governments and NGO’s to facilitates the immediate connection of resources with the projects most in need, including veterinary interventions for animals that need to be moved quickly to avoid risk of being poached.